HUGS - An Excerpt from "Short and Sweet", Compiled and Edited by Susan King

Just so you know what's behind a hug from me...


I love to hug: Cheek to cheek, chest to chest and knee to knee. For me, this is the right way to do it. If you like side hugs, I am not your girl. Through my hugs, I get to show you how much I care about your peace so just rest in my arms, breathe in and breathe out, and allow me to give you a break from the noise. This is our time to know “alone” is not in the cards for us. I am your friend and I’m here for you. Close your eyes if you need to, rest your head and let me hold you till you feel less sad, till you feel safe, till you feel loved. Stay here as long as you need to. I have the time. In this hug, know that God SEES you. My arms are His and He led your feet to me, for a time such as this. When we let go know that I wish you well, friend. I pray that our hug is with you the rest of your day. Head into those hours with a smile upon your face, light in your heart and bring our hug to the next friend in need. Hugs can save a life and we just may end wars with each hug we pass on. Hugs are the BEST and I pray you know a life lived from one hug to the next, all your days.


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