Election Day 2016
Beloved of God (and that's ALL OF US!),
Like most of you, I wake up to this election day weary as battle has raged...but I can also say, I wake up with peace. Oh, how I pray you are at PEACE. I hear the fear. The tension is PALPABLE. I know many that feel what happens today is going to impact generations to come and by this world, that may be true. What I don't understand though is why we are treating this election as if God can't transform, renew and revive... even in the days to come? This is not God's last day on the job! The power of God is not defined by the outcome of this election! The President-Elect does not define a win or a loss for God! How small we have made Him if we believe His power is diminished by what takes place today.
But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in your weakness." 2 Corinthians 12:9a
Even beyond this election, YOU are going to decide who you will be. If you feel diminished, STOP GIVING YOUR POWER AWAY. Make a decision TODAY that someone else's pursuits and ambitions and dreams matter just as much as yours! DECIDE that any sensitivities you may have about your struggles, looks, race, gender, sexual orientation, economic status, religion, WHATEVER are not worth the conflict with someone who is being insensitive. Let conflict END WITH YOU. Like any work place, we have to find a way to get along to meet goals and believe me, we have work to do. Our goal, in the days to come, MUST be to doggedly pursue love, compassion, courage and UNITY once again.
I tell my 11 year old daughter regularly, "You're going to find what you're looking for." So, beloved, I ask you: What are you looking for? Are you expecting conflict or shared laughter? Are you focused on our differences or excited to find what you have in common? Are you poised for battle or will you refuse to give up peace? I pray that the good in me finds the good in you and they link arms as we step into an uncertain future.
Yes, our government is going to make decisions but so will we. We will decide how we develop the character of our children. We can make forgiveness a priority. We can recognize our gifts and develop our talents to make a contribution in this world. And we can pray, unceasing. Pray not just for resolution and peace but in rememberance for what prayers have already protected us from.
We ARE the United States of America. UNITED. Have a blessed day, beloved, vote and know peace.
Be strong, and of good courage. Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go. Joshua 1:9
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