The Life of a Christian

Originally written June 8, 2017

This week I had the GREAT blessing of leading a group of 16 girls who are getting ready to enter middle school as 6th graders in our church's version of VBS for 5th and 6th graders, Launch 56. As a jewelry maker, it was a blessing to incorporate what I do into a message for these precious, tender hearts. Here's the "script" I used to give them their gift at the end of our week together:
“The Life of a Christian”
Beloved, know that this gift has been prayed over by your leaders. They are symbolic of our love for you, our little sisters in Christ. We have prayed protection, joy, peace and provision for each of your families and we pray that they bring back fond memories of our time together this week at Launch 56.
Before you’re given your gift, I want to talk to you about how it was constructed.
(You’re shown the clear glass, cut and formed into a cross.) This is the base of each gift, the form of a cross. Everything that was added had this as its foundation. This is our reminder that when we accept the gift of Jesus, we are given a clean slate, fully forgiven and brand new. This GOOD NEWS is how we begin with Jesus. Now in this foundation, you’ll notice that the edges are still sharp. Some of us come into our faith this way, rough around the edges (I know I did!). The Lord isn’t asking us to be perfect when we come to the cross, just that we start with Him and build from there…together.
I want you to hold onto that word…together. Through Christ, we are family, wherever you may go. The cross is the symbol of the greatest love and when nothing else makes sense, go back to your foundation, the principles that we learned this week at Launch 56: Read the Bible, pray, be in fellowship and worship with other believers and find peace in the knowledge that you are so deeply cherished by our Creator He gave His only Son just for you.
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16
Now on Monday, several of you added a piece of glass to jars. It’s okay if you didn’t get to. I added extra glass for you. (You’re shown the foundation with the glass you added.) If the foundation of clear glass is your faith, I wanted you to take part in adding to this foundation to show you that there will be people throughout your life that will add to your faith walk. As you look at the different pieces, they represent how different people and circumstances will affect your foundation: Some will bring love, beauty and inspiration. Some will be transparent and open to you. Others may reveal to you who you DON’T want to be. Some will hold a deep importance to you while others may only be with you for a season. Know that many people in your life will be in the faith but you’ll also know people who aren’t. You may even be someone who has not yet decided to follow Christ and that’s okay. You are still a child of God and He loves YOU. Just know that each of these people will, in some fashion, contribute to how you conduct yourself as a member of your family, as a student in your school and then as a contributing adult in this world. Because God loves us enough to give us free will, it will be up to you to make sound and wise decisions about who you allow in your life. Look for people who are worthy of leading you, find people to grow alongside and be there for the people you will teach. Just know there is a lesson in every person. They are your teachers.

Notice the bags have no names so you can’t get up and choose yours. I want you to understand that you may not have any control about what you’re given in life but know there is a blessing in whatever God has set aside just for you, even if it’s not immediately obvious.
Also know that each gift in these bags is equal in value but one of a kind. I want to caution you that the temptation will be to compare your gift to someone else’s. Be careful of how the enemy uses comparison in your life. Comparison is a joy killer and time stealer. God wants you to know the joy of receiving YOUR gift, uniquely formed and set aside just for you, His beloved. Instead of wasting time with comparing, use the time instead in contemplating how YOUR gifts will contribute to the world. Explore YOUR passions. Practice getting better in YOUR talents. Look for EVERY drop of His blessings in your circumstances and relationships. Don’t waste ONE MOMENT with comparing your gift to someone else’s. Don’t let it kill your joy and gratitude for what you’ve been given.

(This is where you receive your gift.)
In each bag is paper and a jar that we started with on Monday. Go ahead and take out the jar and open it but don’t put on what’s inside until I tell you to. Leave the paper in your bag for now.
Close your eyes and feel the texture of your cross. Notice there are no longer edges that can cut. It’s because of extreme heat (at some points, over a thousand degrees!), all the pieces have become part of the cross. When life feels too hot to handle know that these are the perfect moments to press into the comfort of Jesus.
Do you feel the bumps? Our faith doesn’t promise us a smooth and perfect life. It’s inevitable that hardship will come and there will be bumps in the road. What is promised, however, as you feel the shape of the cross, is that God loves you and will see you THROUGH all of life’s hills and valleys.

Now you can put on your necklace. As you wear it, notice that the foundation of the glass is no longer clear. When people look at your cross, where the glass was clear, they’ll see you. As you wear this cross, I pray that it reminds you that WE are the love of Jesus in this world. May God bless you and keep you always.

Tita Chelle


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