Calling Relaxation by its Real Name

Brothers and sisters who are loved by God,

It pains me to admit it but I looked up from my phone last night to see that to the left of me, my husband was on HIS phone and to the right, my daughter was on her Kindle. In front of all of us, the TV was on! Even worse, I jokingly made a comment about it and we all went back to it. In that moment nothing changed...but it's still on my mind.

I'd love to tell you that wasn't typical. The truth is, it does happen way too often, especially in the evening during "down time".  The more accurate term is this, however - Checking Out. 

Checking Out is insidious because it's disguised as "relaxing". We think because we're sitting down  it's rest but if there are family members around us, relaxing with an electronic device is actually an act of turning away.  We prioritize our attention with what we have our eyes on and our culture is trading in the organic for the electronic.

Checking Out fools us into thinking that if we point something out on YouTube or make a comment about a TV show that a conversation has taken place.  In those moments, that is commentary on someone ELSE living while life passes us by.  We are merely observing and no longer participating in the blessing of LIFE. I want to go DEEP with the people I love, build memories, create our own legacy of stories, KNOW their hearts.    Oh, it's so important.

Checking Out steals time and we willingly participate in the crime!  Has dinner ever been late because of Facebook? Has televised sports kept you from DOING something with real people? Do your children choose to play a video game instead of joining the kids in the neighborhood, in the sunshine?  Time isn't something we get to bank for a later date. The mother of a senior in high school, the elderly and the dying would tell you not to waste it. It's precious and we don't treat it with the respect or the reverence it deserves.

Checking Out allows strangers to take over our home.  Who contributes to the mortgage? Who is going to raise our children? Who is taking care of us when we're sick or will sit with us in our old age?  A lot of times, it's not the people we're incessantly texting or chatting with on Facebook. It's certainly not going to be television personalities or sports icons. Avatars disappear with the push of a button. If this is all true, why do we allow them to nudge out the people who REALLY matter, the people who love us through our ugly?

Last week, my family started Game Night, unplugged. We didn't filter our attention through the TV or peer at each other over electronic devices, annoyed by "interruptions".   We had laughter, created a new tradition, made each other a priority. It was time to savor. I want more of that.

I woke up this morning asking God what He wanted me to think about today and He showed me that picture of my family sitting in the same room and completely apart. It's hurting enough to throw me into change. A teaching pain should do just that. 

Checking Out doesn't live here anymore...


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