To See You As God the Parent Does

Brothers and Sisters who are loved by God,

There are times when I look into an adult face and I see a child. It's not the attitude or maturity, although certainly these can be other forms of "childish", but instead it's a flash of who they have been. It's a look of uncertainty or hurt or disappointment. Sometimes it's discovery or glee or adoration.  In those moments I can see a glimpse of their story and my heart becomes tender toward them. I imagine that adult has looked around and asked, "When did I become a grown-up ?!?"

God sees past our exterior and looks into our true nature. He knows what makes us who we are and what we've had to endure. He sees us as his precious children even when we fumble around in adult disguises. He loves us through our tantrums and running into traffic and dirt. He knows we're more than a moment, a bullet point or a headline.  God sees our total package, in all its broken beauty.  He moves our hair aside from a tear-stained and crusty face so we can look at love that is more than we dare to believe, well beyond where our comprehension ends. It's love you can rest in, robes you can nestle into and a lap that's always big enough.

I want to see people the way God sees people. I don't need to know the secrets or what is meant for God alone by I'd want  just enough. Enough for me to have compassion, a tenderness, an understanding that we are more than a bad day or a weak moment. The truth is, I don't need to be given insight to live that out. It's enough to know that we're all more than glimpses of each other. It's enough to know we all crossed a line that would leave innocence behind. What if we began to see each other as people who deserved our love and protection and resources? And what if we looked at ourselves as being worthy of it?  I think we'd move closer to Eden.

Walk today, and everyday, with the knowledge you are loved this way.

God, Your will. Jesus, Your presence. Spirit, Your counsel. Amen.


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