Day 1 - Draw the Circle - Get Ready

Monday, April 27, 2015

Today is the first day I'm setting out to do The Circle Maker's 40 Day Prayer Challenge, "Draw the Circle".   I'm looking forward to doing this with members from my accountability group and I'm going into this practice with the expectation that God is going to move in BIG ways. The word that has come to mind over and over again is AUDACIOUS.  My favorite definition of this word is "recklessly bold".  I want to be headlong, jump-off-a-cliff-and-free-fall BOLD in prayer.  TOTAL surrender. TOTAL belief that God CAN. 

As I set out, I am also fortifying myself and deciding now that I will praise God through every decision He makes in this process.  I just want to see what He'll say yes to, and I want to have an accepting heart for whatever doors close.

I am praying for protection from anything that may come against His Church as we set out to pray audaciously and I am calling upon any part of God's strength we will need.  Be with us, Lord. God, Your will. Jesus, Your presence. Holy Spirit, Your counsel. Amen.

As I finished the first chapter, Get Ready, it reminded me of a word that God has been putting on my heart since the beginning of this year, PREPARE.  For what, I don't know. I just know I don't want to get caught UNprepared.

One of my biggest prayers is about my health.  Things in my body can get so funky sometimes.  It is definitely something I need to GET READY and find some balance.  I'm moving regularly now. Check. I'm lowering the toxic load with natural intervention. Check. I just wish yummy food was illegal so I couldn't get it so readily.  Navigating this thorn in my side will definitely be something I need to get a handle on so I can be healthy enough to do the thing, whatever it is, that I'm supposed to get ready for.  Really, I need to GET ANGRY at this weakness in me and pretend it's something I have to FIGHT and PUNCH IT IN THE FACE.  THAT'S when I'm happiest and motivated! (Weird, I know, but being a person is generally a weird endeavor.)

Keep writing for my accountability group and my blog. This has got to stay RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME so I don't lose focus.

Father, as I begin this journey with You, I pray for Your protection, provision, blessing, mercy and grace.  Lord, the next 40 days are coming, regardless of what I do but, Father, how might these next 40 days be different with BOLD, COURAGEOUS, SURRENDERED, AUDACIOUS prayer? I want to find out.  I want Your Church to find out. Father, let my faith be active and rigorous through my prayer life. Receive my prayers, Father, not just as a wish list, but as a statement that I BELIEVE You are who You say You are and that You can do what You say You can Do.  I BELIEVE You have me in a season of preparation, Father, and I want to fully invest of myself. I BELIEVE you will equip me for everything You have made me to be and everything you are calling me to do.  Thank You, Lord, for bending low to hear the cries of my heart. In Jesus' mighty name, amen.


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