Remedies Have Many Points of Entry
Beloved of God,
As an essential oil instructor, I realize there are multiple points of entry. One person starts oils to cope with their emotions. Another because they need to heal one or multiple conditions. Yet another will start because they don't want one more man-made remedy. And yet another wants a way to cleanse their bodies from years of neglect and mismanagement. When I talk to a new customer or teach a class, our conversation may start with my testimony but without fail, where we end up is where THEY are, where THEY will start...THEIR point of entry. Each person, every family, has a unique set of challenges going into this arena of healthcare and usage is executed in many ways. The effectiveness is determined by how often the oils are used and if it becomes part of their lifestyle. Some people buy them, revert back to old habits and never open the bottles. "I've got an oil for that" has become humor laced with an enormous amount of truth...but you do have to open the bottle. Folks, using essential oils isn't revolutionary but somewhere along the way, they were forgotten. Sometimes healing starts with just a reminder they're available. People are also more likely to use an oil if they have a community of oil practitioners with whom they can share protocols and ask questions. It's better done together.
Now read that again but where the discussion is about essential oils, think about Christianity instead.
There are many points of entry into faith. For me, I wanted a common spiritual language for our young family, not really knowing if we were going to be Buddhist, Unitarian Universalists, Christian or anything else...but God had a plan for us. I was beckoned by the people who were put in my path, most of whom came from the church we now attend, and by perfectly personal God-tapped blessings along the way. It all led my footsteps back to church with these words echoing in my mind over and over: Depsite your best efforts, I found you. In that moment, I was forever changed.
I came to Jesus with years of neglect. He doesn't expect or require us to come healed from our hurts, habits and hangups. It's when we grab His hand that we start that journey together.
When it comes to our spiritual health, knowing God is the better alternative to what the industrial world can offer. When people try to duplicate the organic, natural healing of our Creator, too often we end up with more symptoms than when we started. In man-made cures and temporary fixes we find a synthetic lifestyle our bodies and minds were never made to process. As a result, confusion sets in, we become more burdened than ever and despair can take hold. With God, my mind has rest, my heart isn't abused and my gut knows He can be trusted. My Spirit knows we're home.
There are a variety of traditions available for how we express our faith in God but here's the rub: They only work if you shop around, pick one and show up! Grow with a body of believers who challenge you, will pray with you, who will keep you motivated in scripture and will hold you accountable to your own personal development. Do the same for them.
God is always here but we don’t always acknowledge He can help. Even in this moment He's waiting for His word to be opened but too often we leave the Bible on the shelf. Beloved, healing occurs when we take it down and OPEN IT.
Someone may be beckoned to explore faith by our testimonies but how they come to Jesus is something uniquely their own. We have to meet each other wherever we are in our healing. Beloved, as you approach someone, don't forget where you came from, lest we judge, lest we hinder.
I find a lot of parallels in my work and my spiritual life because I look for God in everything I do. Without Him, it would all feel pretty empty. Beloved, however you do it, let the healing begin.
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