Day 18 - Draw the Circle - Keep Circling
Sunday, May 24, 2015
Theme: If you never get out of the boat, you'll never walk on water.
Don't stop.
"Stand on the Water"
Many people have big dreams. The dream can fall short of becoming, however, when we don't work hard to achieve them or we give up just short of the miracle. And I assure you, beloved, ALL GOOD THINGS that occur in this fallen world ARE MIRACLES.
Americans have historically been known for innovation, ingenuity, wealth, perseverance, compassion and hard work. Our nation is built on the backs of people who SHOWED UP, LABORED, FOUGHT AGAINST TYRANNY, APPLIED GIFTS AND TALENTS, LEARNED NEW SKILLS and they did it with COURAGE and STEADFASTNESS. The difference between then and now is our vision has grown shorter and narrower. We are looking more at short-term gains rather than long-term implications. This is an illness that is running rampant through our country and it is breeding entitlement, hopelessness, greed, division and sloth. It's causing people to give up too soon. But, beloved, take heart. We don’t have to be part of the problem.
As Christians, we recognize we are fortified by our Creator. Imagine if each one of us ACTED LIKE IT. Without the fear of rejection, imagine what we would propose and create. With love and courage, imagine what action would take place. In thinking of our neighbor, and not just ourselves, what problems could we avoid?
But what of a creative mind that never puts this thought into action? Not much.
So we must act. Change can only occur when a series of actions are strung together by courageous people, even when failure is an option. When Peter scrambled back into the boat after he STOOD ON WATER, I wonder if Jesus hoped Peter would say, "My Lord, I will try again."
TRYING AGAIN breeds confidence and a testimony. While we are breathing upon this earth we have the chance to do what Peter did not do: To leave the boat again. Yes, you may experience the sting of faltering but it's still in you, in Jesus' name, to try. Don't quit until the water is solid beneath your feet!
Keep trying until my hope becomes my knowledge.
Father, HELP ME to be what You call me to be. HELP ME to be courageous. HELP ME to learn from my mistakes. HELP ME to be inventive and revolutionary. HELP ME walk on my water. And then, Lord, use it to grow Your kingdom. In Jesus' name, amen.
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