Giving My Relational Worry Over to God

Brothers and Sisters, who are loved by God,

I needed to know this today: Worries over a relationship can be given to God.

There is a particular relationship in my life that, since I can remember, has been a source of worry, sleeplessness, sadness, fear and anger. It's not one to walk away from so what is left to do? Give it to God.

It seems altogether too simple and infinitely complex.  How do you give a burden to God when it feels like it's yours to carry?  We realize HE is God, and we are NOT.

I was not created to change this person into what I desire. I can't soften this heart to me. I can't protect someone who doesn't want or see the need for it. I can't live any other life but my own. I don't have insight to why things are the way they are, or what they will lead to. I am not meant to deny the purpose of my life with the distraction of someone else's. I'm not to allow someone else to extinguish my light.

Does this mean we turn away when LED to participate? Are we to live isolated from one another? Of course not.  We are meant to live life in community, sharing each other's burdens so they can be lighter. The distinction is recognizing what is ours, and what belongs to God. The reality is we are but one tool that God can use but we aren't the only tool He has access to.  We are not all-purpose. God is. Another way to think of it is this: If we were enough on our own, we would have been the ONLY person God created.You and I were not meant to be ENOUGH.

Today, I will continue to love and pray and offer what resources I have. The rest of it belongs to God. I'm giving my hard relationship to God today. It will be infinitely better in His hands than in my own.


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