Having a Deeper Relationship with Jesus

Brothers and Sisters, who are loved by God...

I woke up today to this: Glorify God in everything you do.

So how do I do that? I include Him in every aspect of my life: Relationships, finances, provision, gifts and talents, work and health.

When you want to have a relationship with someone, you consider them in every aspect of your life. An intimacy deepens as you come to know their "voice" (the language, the unspoken, the expressions etc). In a relationship with  God, with Jesus and the Holy Spirit, it is more than consideration, it's a following INTO each aspect. We examine God's will, the example of Jesus and the counsel of the Holy Spirit.

For example...

Relationships: Am I looking for relationships where my spirituality can flourish, either as a mentor or student? Do I love well, how THEY need to be loved? Am I letting go of relationships that seek to pull down or condemn, rather than edify? Am I quick to forgive and slow to anger?

Finances: How do I use my finances to bless others? Does it grow with wisdom or is it depleted with foolishness? Do I tithe?

Provision: How do I manage abundance? Do I invite people to my home for fellowship? How do I take care of what I've been given? Do I acknowledge it all belongs to God? Do I ask God what He wants me to do with it?

Gifts and Talents: Am I using them? Do I know what they are? How do I use them to show the love of God to others?

Work:  Do I see this as a blessing? Am I doing the work I was made for? Am I giving it my best?

Health:  Am I using my body in all the ways I am able? How do I take care of  it and manage it?

Father, I pray you touch every aspect of our lives. Bless us so that we may be a blessing to others.  Help us hear You in music, see You in nature and hear Your still, small voice within. I pray we acknowledge You in the coincidence, the miracle, the goosebumps and LOVE. In Jesus' name, amen.


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