Projection and Resistance

I asked God the  question, "What is the CORE of my stress?"  and his gentle response: PROJECTION and RESISTANCE

PROJECTION:  God loves to whisper to me, "Be in this moment with me.  Not just in the music but in the pauses between the notes."  To be THAT present, to be THAT focused on God at all times, how He longs for it.  In the busy-ness of our lives and in the preparation and in the scheduling and in the NOISE, we are often PROJECTING into the future through worry, in fear, with assumption and in the misconception that we have ANY control. In the midst of that stress, God speaks to my heart, “Why are you trying to take what I have yet to give?”  It’s a reminder to me that I can't steal something only God can own.  I can rest in my portion.

RESISTANCE:  What do you resist in your life?  Being wrong? Looking foolish?  Failure?  Success?  Change?  Rejection?  Filipino martial artists (Eskrimadors) survive by practicing “flow”.  It’s not about resisting attacks;  it’s flowing WITH them through acceptance and awareness.  The match is won by knowing you can redirect the attack to work in your favor.  How do we make life’s challenges work FOR us? In a fallen world, attack is inevitable but we CAN respond to it with a sense of purpose and the expectation that good will prevail. The battle is already won.


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